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CLOSE THIS BOOKOperations on Band and Circular Sawing Machines - Course: Mechanical woodworking techniques. Trainees' handbook of lessons (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 19 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT1. Purpose of Circular Sawing Operations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT2. Assembly of a Table Circular Sawing Machine
VIEW THE DOCUMENT4. Mode of Operation of a Circular Sawing Machine
5. Circular Sawing Technology
VIEW THE DOCUMENT6. Purpose of Band Sawing Operations
VIEW THE DOCUMENT7. Assembly of a Band Sawing Machine
VIEW THE DOCUMENT9. Mode of operation of a band sawing machine
10. Band Sawing Technology

3. Tools

The circular saw blades are the tools of the circular sawing machine. These saw blades are circular-shaped steel disks with spikes which may be differently shaped.

Figure 5 Teeth shapes of circular saw blades 1 acute-angled tooth (normal tooth), 2 gullet tooth, 3 tooth with hard metal tips

These saw blades are suitable for the following applications given normal strain in hand feed operation:

- saw blade with sharp-angled tooth (normal tooth): oblong and cross cuts of hard wood, soft wood and sheet material

- saw blade with gullet tooth: oblong cuts of hard wood, moist and dry soft wood

- saw blade with hard metal tool tips: oblong and cross cuts of hard and compact wood varieties, chip- and fibreboards, plastic materials

Circular saw blades with sharp and gullet teeth are usually saw set whereby the teeth may be bent to the right or left (setting width of 0.3 to 1.0 mm).

In the case of circular saw blades with hard metal tool tips the cutting tip of the cutting edge is wider than the backing material of the saw blade.

In order to prevent the saw blades from jamming in the kerf and to avoid frictional saw blade heating, the saw blades must cut "freely".

Figure 6 Free cut of saw blades 1 setting of normal teeth, 2 relief grinding for hard metal cutting tips

The following hints are to be taken into consideration:

Check condition of circular saw blade before using!

Do not use cracked, deformed, wobbling and unbalanced saw blades!

Do not exceed the top speed indicated on the saw blades!

Blunt and resined saw blades must be replaced.

In the case of reground hard metal tipped circular saw blades the cutting tip thickness must be at least 2 mm.

Hard metal tipped saw blades with successively impaired cutters or cutters more than 10 per cent worn shall no longer be used.

Which saw blades are used for cutting hard wood, soft wood and sheet material?

How can unimpeded cutting of various circular saw blades be guaranteed?


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