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CLOSE THIS BOOKMaking of Floors - Course: Timberwork techniques. Instruction examples for practical vocational training (Institut für Berufliche Entwicklung, 21 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTPreliminary Remarks
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 6.1.: Checking and Levelling of the Beams
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 6.2.: Laying of Mated Surfaced Deals
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 6.3.: Laying of Matched Surfaced Deals
VIEW THE DOCUMENTInstruction Example 6.4.: Fixing of Skirting Boards

Preliminary Remarks

The present material includes 4 selected instruction examples on the basis of which the essential sequences of operations with the laying of surfaced deals can be demonstrated with increasing degree of difficulty.

Skills as sawing, nailing, chopping, cutting and planing are explained.

It is recommended to begin with simple mated boarding in secondary buildings. Here, the required knowledge can be acquired and extended and consolidated later when other types of wooden floors are dealt with.

In order to facilitate the preparation and carrying out of the work, the required materials, tools and auxiliary accessories are indicated for each instruction example.

Furthermore, the basic knowledge is mentioned which is required for laying surfaced boards and which had already been imparted before.

It is recommended to repeat this previously acquired knowledge before starting the work. The process of working and the quality of work has to be constantly supervised and controlled by the instructor.

To each instruction example a working drawing is attached which will contribute to a better understanding of some techniques and auxiliary means, as well as of the sequence of operations.


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