Stabilized Earth Construction
Soil is a universal building material and is one of the
oldest known to humanity.
Simple soils (without additives), or soils improved by
adding stabilizing materials
such as bitumen or cement, are suitable for homes, schools,
roads, and other construction.
For construction purposes, soil is usually formed into
blocks. Two general types of
blocks are described here: adobe block and stabilized earth
block formed under
great pressure. Adobe blocks are made from moistened soil
that may be mixed
with straw or other stabilizers. They are formed without
pressure and usually
cured in the sun. Stabilized earth blocks (sometimes called
rammed earth blocks)
are made from soil mixed with stabilizing material such as
Portland cement,
formed into blocks under high pressure, and cured in the
Low cost is a primary advantage of soil block construction.
An overall cost
reduction of about 50 percent over conventional construction
can be realized.
Other advantages are that building materials are usually
readily available and
little skill and training are required for their use. The
material is culturally
acceptable in nearly all countries, including the United
The composition of soil varies from one region to another,
and with soil depth. In
any one area, it may be desirable to mix soils from several
locations or depths to
obtain a composition more suitable for construction.
The primary components of soil that are of importance in
construction are sand,
clay, and silt. (Organic materials are also found in surface
soil. These tend to
reduce the quality of the blocks.) The fraction of clay in
the soil is important
because it acts to bind the larger soil particles together
but the clay content
should not exceed one-third. Above that, deep cracks and
weakening of the dried
blocks are likely to occur. Silt, which is usually found
mixed with the sand,
should not exceed one third because silt is vulnerable to
erosion from wind and
Proportions of sand, silt, and clay vary widely. One of the
few soil block
standards that exist is California's Uniform Building Code
Specification, which
recommends 55 to 75 percent sand, and 25 to 45 percent day
and silt. A good
mixture for most blocks might be:
sand .... 65
clay .... 20
silt .... 15
To assure that the composition to be used is suitable for
construction, several
test blocks should be produced using various mixtures. After
curing, the test
blocks should be hard and resist a scratch or prick from a
knife. Striking two
compressed/stabilized blocks together should produce a click
sound. The blocks
should sustain a drop of two feet (.6 meter) without
breaking. If the block
crumbles or breaks, the sand or organic content is probably
too high, and clay
should be added to the mix. On the other hand, if large
cracks appear during
curing, the clay content is probably too high and sand
should be added to the
Soil tests should be made before any block production is
started. If the testing is
not done first, a great deal of time and money may be wasted
in the production
of unusable blocks. The agricultural departments of most
countries can provide
laboratory tests at modest costs. If field tests must be
made instead, some simple
methods to determine the soil's suitability can be tried.
Composition Test
o Pass the soil
through a 1/4" (6mm) screen to remove stones and other
large particles.
o Pour the screened
soil into a wide mouth jar until it is half full.
o Fill the jar with
water. (You may add two tablespoons of salt to make
the soil settle
o Cover the jar
tightly, and shake vigorously for two minutes.
o Let settle for at
least 30 minutes.
The small gravel and sand will settle rapidly to the bottom
of the jar. The clay
and silt will settle more slowly. After 30 minutes, the jar
should look like the
drawing in Figure 1c. Hold a scale vertically on the side of
the jar to measure
fg1x333.gif (486x486)

the amounts of sand, silt, and clay. Record the sample
number and the amounts.
Then convert the amounts to percentages.
Compaction Test
In addition to the soil composition test, a compaction test
should be done to
determine the packing quality of the clay, which depends on
the percentage of
clay in the sample and the quality of the clay itself. A
simple field test can be
done as follows:
o Take a handful of
dry, screened earth and add some water to it until it
is damp enough to
form a ball when squeezed in the hand, but not so
damp that it
leaves more than a slight trace of water in the hand when
o Drop the ball from
a height of about 3 feet (1 m) onto hard ground. If
the ball breaks
into a few small pieces, the packing quality is good to
fair. If it
disintegrates the quality is poor and a soil mix with more
clay should be
prepared and tested.
Shrinkage Test
If stabilizing material such as Portland cement is to be
added to the soil, a
shrinkage test of the soil should also be made. This test
will indicate the
suitability of the soil and also the best cement-to-soil
ratio to use. It measures
the shrinkage of soil that contains no stabilizer. As shown
in Figure 2, the box
fg2x333.gif (437x437)

should have these inside measurements: 24" x
1-1/2" (4 cm x 4 cm x 60 cm).
To test soil with this method:
o Oil or grease the
inside surface of the box thoroughly.
o Pack the box well
with moist soil (previously passed through a 6mm to
10mm (1/4" to
3/8") mesh screen. The soil should be moistened to pack
well, but it
should not be muddy.
o Tamp, especially
at the comers.
o Smooth off the
surface with a stick.
o Place the box in
the sun for three days or in the shade for seven days.
It should be
protected from rain.
Measure the contraction (shrinkage) by pushing the dried
sample to one end of
the box.
Cement to Soil Ratio
Not over 1/2" (15 mm)
1 part to 18 parts
Between 1/2" and 1" (15 mm - 30 mm)
1 part to 16 parts
Between 1" and 1-1/2" (30 mm - 45 mm)
1 part to 14 parts
Between 1-1/2" and 2" (45 mm - 60 mm)
1 part to 12 parts
When lime is used instead of cement use double the amount.
Do not use the soil
if it has many cracks (not just three or four); if it has arched
up out of the box;
or if it has shrunk more than 2" (60 mm).
To make adobe blocks, add water to the soil mix until it is
plastic enough to
mold. Water content should be between 16 and 20 percent of
the soil by weight.
The water and soil must be throughly mixed. Since all except
the dryest soils will
already contain some water, it is advisable to test the
sample for water content
first. Do this by weighing a soil sample, drying it, and
then reweighing it to
calculate water content.
Even the best adobe blocks may develop some cracks. To
reduce the number of
cracks, and also to make the blocks more weatherproof,
stabilizing materials are
often added to the mix. When stabilizers are used they must
be thoroughly mixed
with the soil or much of their benefits will be lost. The
most widely used
stabilizers are straw, rice husks, asphalt emulsion,
Portland cement, and lime.
Asphalt emulsion can improve the waterproofing quality of
the blocks, and also
their elasticity and toughness, so that they are less likely
to break during
handling. Add asphalt emulsion between 5 and 15 percent by
weight to the dry
soil mix For soil mixes with high sand content (55 to 75
percent sand) the
asphalt emulsion should be nearer the 5 percent figure.
Portland cement stabilizers improve the bonding properties
and add strength to
the blocks. Only 5 to 6 percent cement by weight is needed
for soil mixes with
high sand content, but up to 20 percent by weight may be
required for soils high
in clay and silt. If the soil requires a large percentage of
cement, it can be
combined with an equal amount of lime, which costs less.
Equipment required for making adobe blocks is shown in
Figure 3. The number of
fg3x335.gif (540x540)

shovels, molds, etc, will depend on the size of the job. Using
this equipment, and
supplied with the mixed adobe, a team of two molders can
produce about 1,000
blocks (10 x 4 x 14") per day.
Select a large level area for mixing, molding, and curing
the adobe. Mixing can be
done in a hopper, or by making a shallow mixing pit in the
ground. If possible,
make the blocks near the construction site. If the mix is
lumpy even after
repeated working, let it soak overnight.
Block molds can be made in various sizes to fit the needs of
the construction.
But adobe blocks should not be larger than 81cm (32")
around the outside. A gang
form that will mold eight blocks of .009 cu. meter (one 1/3
cubic foot) can be
operated by one worker. Before starting work, the mold
should be thoroughly
soaked with water to prevent the adobe mud from sticking to
Production steps are as follows:
o Rake or drag a
large ground area level.
o Place mold on
level area, on a piece of building paper if available, and
dump the mud from
a wheel barrow or hopper into the mold. Work the
mud firmly into
all corners of the mold.
o Scrape off excess
mud from top of mold to leave a smooth, flat
o Remove the mold by
lifting it slowly and evenly up from the ground
level. Move the
mold to the next adjacent level area and repeat the
Blocks must be allowed to cure for about 14 days. After
several days, the
partially cured blocks may be carefully turned on edge so
they dry more evenly.
On very hot days, in direct sunlight the blocks may dry too
rapidly and crack. To
prevent this, cover the blocks with paper, leaves, or straw.
Since rain will
destroy unstabilized blocks, waterproof tarps may be needed.
To store the blocks after they are cured, stack them on
edge. If left stacked flat,
they will break of their own weight.
Compressed earth blocks can be made by ramming the earth in
forms, or by using
a block making machine, such as the CINVA-Ram Block Press.
Blocks made by
machine are less costly and have superior uniformity.
Some machine made blocks tested by the U.S. National Bureau
of Standards had
compressive strengths up to 800 pounds per square inch (56
Kg/cm), with 300 to
500 psi strength as the average. (This is three to eight
times the compressive
strength of adobe blocks). These test blocks contained 50
percent sand, and 50
percent clay and silt, mixed with 8 percent cement by
Although one worker can make blocks with the CINVA-Ram, the
process is best
as a team effort with two to four workers each performing
one task. (It is good
to rotate tasks among the workers on an hourly or daily
basis.) The CINVA-Ram
is portable and can easily be moved about the work site to
reduce carrying raw
materials or finished blocks.
Floor tiles can also be made with the machine, using inserts
to adjust for the
thinner tiles. The mixture for floor tiles is two parts fine
sand to one part
cement. Mineral coloring can be added to produce colored
Average production rates and cement required are:
o Average number cement
blocks or tiles
(made by two
workers per day)
o Average no. blocks
for a two room house 2500
o Typical block
size: 9x14x29cm (3-1/2"x5-1/2"x11-1/2") which lay up to:
10x15x30cm (4x6x12
o Average number
blocks per 100 lbs cement:
Stacking the blocks for curing requires care. The blocks
should be stacked on
edge on clean planks. If planks are not available, stack on
flat ground that has
been covered with paper or leaves. The blocks should be
covered with plastic or
old cement bags that have been cut open. Stacks should not
be greater than five
blocks high, and some air space should be left between the
blocks. For the first
four days, sprinkle the blocks lightly with water to prevent
them from drying too
quickly. The total curing time is about 14 days, depending
on the weather.
A firm, flat, water-resistant foundation should be built
first using blocks with a
higher percentage of cement and lime. Blocks should be
joined by mortar about
one half inch (1.25 cm) thick. The recommended mortar mix
(by weight) is:
o one part cement
o two parts lime
o nine parts soil
(used to make the blocks)
Let the applied mortar dry for about a week; then paint the
mortar joints with a
thin, milk-like mix of cement and water. Stir this mixture
often. After a day, the
finished walls can be coated (3 coats recommended) with this
same mixture, or
with a coat of lime. Or, a waterproofing coat of silicone
based wash may be
Alfred Bush, Chris Ahrens, Balla Sidibe, VITA volunteers
Making Building Blocks with the CINVA-Ram Block Press.
Arlington, Virginia:
VITA, 1977.
Bush, Alfred. Understanding Stabilized Earth Construction.
Arlington, Virginia:
Volunteers in Technical Assistance, 1984
"Building Materials and Structures Report BMS 78",
Gaithersburg, Maryland: US
National Bureau of Standards
Sidibe Balla. Understanding Adobe. Arlington, Virginia:
Volunteers in Technical
Assistance, 1985
U.S. Agency for International Development, "Handbook
for Building Homes of
Earth", Action Pamphlet No. 4200.36, Wolfkill, Dunlop,
Callaway, Washington, DC,
Peace Corps, 1979.
Ferm, Richard. Stabilized Earth Construction: An Instructional
Manual. Washington,
D.C.: The International Foundation for Earth Construction.
The CINVA-Ram Block Press is manufactured in Bogota,
Colombia, by METALIBEC,
S.A. The press may also be purchased in the USA for $400
(1987) from Schvader
Bellows Inc., 200 West Exchange Street, Akvon, Ohio
44309-0631. Telephone: (216)
375-5202. Similar, locally manufactured presses can often be
found in other
developing countries.