Burkina Faso
Guinea Bissau
Ivory Coast
Sierra Leone
South Africa
Gender | |
HOLNESS, Marga (trans.) (1984) |
Angolan women Building the Future, From National Liberation to Women's Emancipation, Organization of Angolan Women, Zed Books, London. |
Gender and Education | |
AKAPA, Odile & GABA, Lea (1991) |
Les Aspects Socio-Culturels de la Fréquentation Scolaire des Filles au Niveau Primaire au Bénin, Cotonou, Centre Béninois de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, UNESCO, Paris. |
Étude des Principales Causes de la Déperdition Scolaire Chez les jeunes Filles dans la Province du Mono, Cotonou, CBRST, UNESCO, Paris. |
Étude sur la Déperdition d'Effectifs Scolaires Chez les Jeunes Filles en République Populaire du Bénin, Cotonou, CBN Pour UNESCO, Paris. |
Gender | |
BROWN, B. B. (1983) |
'The Impact of Male Labour Migration on Women in Botswana' in African Affairs, 82 (328), 367-388. |
BUSANG, Condrill M. (1986) |
Report on the Socio-Economic Activities of Women in the North-Eastern District Squatter Areas, Ministry of Local Government and Lands, Gaborone, Botswana. |
DRIEL, Francien Th. M. Van (1994) |
Poor and Powerful, Female Headed Households and Unmarried Motherhood in Botswana, Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change 16, NICCOS, Nijmegen. |
ENGE, Marianne (1985) |
Women in Botswana, Dependent Yet Independent, SIDA, Stockholm. |
ERICKSON, Christine (1993) |
Women in Botswana, An Annotated Bibliography, Women and Law in Southern Africa Trust, Gaborone. |
GEISLER, G. (1995) |
Troubled Sisterhood: Women and Politics in Southern Africa - Case Studies from Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana' in African Affairs, 94 (377), 545-578. |
GLICKMAN, M. (1988) |
Thoughts on Certain Relationships between Gender, Kinship and Development among the Tswana of Botswana' in African Studies, 47 (2), 81-87. |
KOSSOUDJI, S. & MUELLER, E. (1983) |
The Economic and Demographic Status of Female Headed Households in Rural Botswana' in Economic Development and Cultural Change, 31 (4), 831-859. |
LEE, Richard B. (1979) |
The Kung San Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
PETERS, P. (1983) |
'Gender Developmental Cycles and Historical Process - A Critique of Recent Research on Women in Botswana' in Journal of Southern African Studies, 10 (1), 100-122. |
Gender and Education | |
CHEYO, Evelyn M. (1993) |
Girls' Access, Performance and Achievement in Secondary Education: A Comparative Study of Tanzania, Kenya and Botswana, M.A. Dissertation, Institute of Education, University of London. |
DUNCAN, Wendy A. (1988) |
School Drop-outs in Botswana: Gender Differences at Secondary Level, Institute of International Education, University of Stockholm. |
DUNCAN, Wendy A. (1989) |
Engendering School Learning, Science, Attitudes and Achievement among Girls and Boys in Botswana, Studies in Comparative and International Education, 16, University of Stockholm. |
FULLER, Bruce (et al.) (1994) |
'When Girls Learn more than Boys: The Influence of Time in School and Pedagogy in Botswana' in Comparative Education Review, 38 (3), 347-76. |
HIGGINS, K.M. (1981) |
Women Farmers and their Training: An Evaluation of a Programme of Non-formal Education Provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana. |
MAROPE, P. T. M. & NJABILI, A.F. (1993) |
Gender Bias in Educational Materials: Proceedings of a Workshop, University of Botswana, Gaborone. |
Girls and Women in Science: Science and Technology Roadshow, Gaborone. |
NYATI-RAMAHOBO, Lydia (1992) |
The Girl Child in Botswana: Educational Constraints and Prospects, UNICEF, Gaborone. |
TSAYANG, G.T. (1989) |
Gender and Education: Proceedings of a Workshop, University of Botswana, Gaborone. |
Gender | |
GIANOTTEN, Vera (et al.) (1994) |
Assessing the Gender Impact of Development Projects: Case Studies from Bolivia, Burkina Faso and India, Intermediate Technology, London. |
HADDAD, L. & REARDON, T. (1993) |
'Gender Bias in the Allocation of Resources Within Households in Burkina Faso - A Disaggregated Outlay Equivalent Analysis' in Journal of Development Studies, 29 (2), 260-276. |
Quelques Aspects de la Fécondité des Femmes Voltaïques, République de Haute- Volta, Ministère du Plan et de la Coopération, Direction de la Recherche Démographique, Ouagadougou, INSD. |
UNICEF (1994) |
Analyse de la Situation des Femmes et des Enfants au Burkina Faso, UNICEF. |
Gender and Education | |
RAM, R. & SINGH, R. D.(1988) |
'Farm Households in Rural Burkina Faso-Some Evidence on Allocative and Direct Return to Schooling and Male -Female Productivity Differentials' in World Development, 16 (3), 419-424. |
SOME, T.J.B. (1994) |
'Sociocultural Aspects of School Attendance by girls at the Primary Level in Burkina Faso' in Canadian Journal of African Studies, 28 (2), 276-289. |
Gender | |
AZEVEDO, Mario J. & PRATER, Gwendolyn Spencer (1986) |
'The Changing Status of Women in Cameroon: An Overview' in Western Journal of Black Studies, 10 (4), 195-204. |
BRYSON, Judy C. (1979) |
Women and Economic Development in Cameroon, Agency for International Development, Washington D. C. |
KOLOKO, Marie-Yvette (1990) |
La Décennie des Nations Unies Pour la Femme et la Condition de la Femme Camerounaise: Aspects Politique, Économique et Sociale, Thèse de Doctorat de 3e Cycle en Relations Internationales, Université de Yaoundé. |
KOSACK, G. (1995) |
Christianization - A Step towards Emancipation: The Significance of Religion for Mafa Women (Northern Cameroon)' in Anthropos, 90 (1-3), 206-217. |
MOPE SIMO, J.A. (1991) |
Gender, Agro-Pastoral Production and Class formation in Bamunka, North- Western Cameroon, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom. |
NDONGKO, Theresa (1976) |
'Tradition and the Role of Women in Africa' in Présence Africaine, 99-100,143-154. |
NGWAFOR, E. (1991) |
'Cameroon - Property Rights for Women- A Bold Step in the Wrong Direction' in Journal of Family Law, 29 (2), 297-302. |
OFUNC (1982) |
Intégration de la Femme Camerounaise Dans le Processus de Développement Économique, OFUNC, Yaoundé. |
SANTEN, Jose C. M. V. (1993) |
They Leave their Jars Behind, the Conversion of Mafa Women to Islam (Northern Cameroon), Centrum Voor en Autonomie, Leiden. |
STERNER, J. & DAVID, N. (1991) |
'Gender and Caste in the Mandara Highlands - Northeastern Nigeria and Northern Cameroon' in Ethnology, 30 (4), 355-369. |
Gender and Education |
AMIN, Martin E. (1994) |
'Gender as a Discriminating Factor in the Evaluation of Teaching' in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 19 (2), 135-43- (This study was carried out in the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon). |
CAMMISH N. & BROCK, C. (1994) |
'State, Status and Status Quo: Factors Affecting the Education of Girls in Cameroon' in International Journal of Educational Development, 14 (3), 233-240. |
OWONO, Rigobert Mbala (1986) |
L'école Coloniale au Cameroun - Approche Historico-Sociologique, Imprimerie Nationale, Yaoundé, 64-66, 85-88. |
OWONO, Rigobert Mbala (1990) |
Éducation Traditionnelle et Développement Endogène en Afrique Centrale, Éditions CEPER, Yaoundé, Chapters 2&3. |
WOODHOUSE, H. & NDONGKO, T.M. (1993) |
'Women and Science Education in Cameroon: Some Reflections' in Interchange, 24 (1-2), 131-158. |
Gender | |
CLOUTIER, Luce & SY, Achta Djibrinne (1993) |
N'djamenoises du Secteur Informel, CEFOD, N'djamena. |
SY, Achta Djibrinne & CARLIER, Marielle, 2nd Edition, (1992) |
Fonds de Documentation sur les Femmes au Tchad, Répertoire, N'Djamena, CEFOD. |
Gender | |
JACOBSON, Anita (1977) |
Försörjerskan Kvinna i Kongo, (av), Uppsala, Nordiska, Afrikainstitute. |
NGOLE, J.P. (1986) |
'Social Relations and Group Identity among Women Fish Sellers in the Congo' in Women's Studies International, 9 (3), 287-293. |
Gender | |
SILKIN, T. (1983) |
'Women in Struggle - Eritrea' in Third World Quarterly, 5 (4), 909-913. |
SILKIN, T. (1989) |
'Women Can Only be Free When the Power of Kin Groups is Smashed- New Marriage Laws and Social Change in the Liberated Zones of Eritrea' in International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 17(2), 147-163. |
WILSON, Amrit (1991) |
The Challenge Road, Women and the Eritrean Revolution, Earthscan, London. |
Gender | |
BJEREN, Gunilla (1986) |
Migration to Shashemene: Ethnicity, Gender and Occupation in Urban Ethiopia, Uppsala, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. |
DIRASSE, Laketch (1992) |
Commoditization of Female Sexuality: Prostitution and Socio-economic Relations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, AMS Publishers. |
HAMER, J. & HAMER, I. (1994) |
'The Impact of Cash Economy on Complementary Gender Relations among the Sadama of Ethiopia' in Anthropological Quarterly, 67 (4), 187-202. |
MOUSSA, Helena (1993) |
Storm and Sanctuary, the Journey of Ethiopian and Eritrean Women Refugees, Ont. Artemis Enterprises, Dundas. |
PANKHURST, Helen (1992) |
Gender, Development and Identity, An Ethiopian Study, Zed Books, London. |
UN Children's Fund (1980) |
Children and Women in Ethiopia: A Situation Analysis, UNICEF. |
Gender and Education | |
ABRAHA, Seged (1991) |
'What Factors Shape Girls' School Performance? Evidence from Ethiopia' in International Journal of Education, 11 (2), 107-118. |
NEGUSSIE, Birgit (1988) |
'Culture, Gender and Education in Rural Development with Special Emphasis on Ethiopia' (Conference Paper, June 16-18, 1988) Nordic Association, Oslo, Norway. |
Gender | |
WAGNER, Ulla (1982) |
Catching the Tourist, Women Handicraft Traders in the Gambia, Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology, 10, University of Stockholm, Stockholm. |
CARNEY, J.A. (1992) |
'Peasant Women and Economic Transformation in the Gambia' in Development and Change, 23 (2), 67-90. |
UNICEF (1993) |
The children and Women of the Gambia: An Analysis of their Situation, UNICEF, Banjul, The Republic of Gambia. |
Gender and Education | |
KANE, E. and O'REILLY de BRUM, M. (1993) |
Bitter seeds: girls' participation in primary education in the Gambia, World Bank, Washington, D.C. |
Gender | |
BRYDON, L. (1987) |
'Women in the Family- Cultural Change in Avatime, Ghana 1900-1980' in Development and Change, 18 (2), 251-269. |
BUKH, Jette (1979) |
The Village Woman in Ghana, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala. |
CLARK, K, Gracia (1994) |
Onions are My Husband: Survival and Accumulation by West Africa Market Women, Chicago University Press, Chicago. |
EWUSI, Kodwo (1987) |
Urbanization, Modernization and Employment of Women in Ghana, Adwinsa Publications, Ghana. |
HADDAD, L. (1991) |
'Gender and Poverty in Ghana- A Descriptive Analysis of Selected Outcomes and Processes' in IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies, 22 (1), 5-16. |
LLOYD, C. B.& GAGEBRANDON, A. J.(1993) |
'Women's Role in Maintaining Households- Family Welfare and Sexual Inequality in Ghana' in Population Studies, 47 (1), 115-131. |
MICKELWAIT, Donald R. (et al.) (1976) |
Women in Rural Development: A Survey of the roles of Women in Ghana, Lesotho, Kenya, Nigeria, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru, Westview Press, Boulder Colo. |
MIKELL, G. (1984) |
'Filiation, Economic Crisis and the Status of Women in Rural Ghana' in Canadian Journal of African Studies, 18 (1), 195-218. |
OWARE KNUDSEN, Christiana (1994) |
The Falling Dawadawa Tree, Female Circumcision in Developing Ghana, Intervention Press, Højberg. |
PELLOW, D. (1987) |
'Solidarity among Muslim women in Accra, Ghana' in Anthropos, 82 (4-6), 489-506. |
SCHANDORF, Elizabeth Ardayfio & AKOTO, Kate Kwafa (eds.)(1990) |
Women in Ghana: An Annotated Bibliography, Woeli Publishing Services, Ghana. |
STEEL, W.F.(1981) |
'Female and Small Scale Employment Under Modernization in Ghana' in Economic Development and Cultural Change, 30 (1), 153-167. |
ROBERTSON, Claire C., (1984) |
Sharing the Same Bowl, a Socio-economic History of Women and Class in Accra, Ghana, Indiana University Press, Bloomington. |
UNICEF, (1990) |
Children and Women of Ghana: A Situation Analysis, Republic of Ghana and United Nations Children's Fund, Accra. |
Gender and Education | |
KAMARA, Siapha & DENKABE, Aloysius (1993) |
Handbook on Participatory Approach to Training Vol. 2: Gender in Development, Freedom Publications, Ghana. |
KANE, Eileen (1991) |
Caught Between Two Stools: Women in Vocational Education and Training in Ghana, Discussion Paper, ILO, Geneva. |
PARKER JENKINS, Marie & GRIFFITHS, Morwenna (1994) |
'Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas in International Research: School Attendance and Gender in Ghana' in Oxford Review of Education, 20 (4), 441-459. |
OPPONG, Christine (1987) |
Seven Roles of Women: Impact of Education, Migration and Employment on Ghanaian Mothers, ILO, Geneva. |
PEART, Edwina (1995) |
The Planning and Implementation of the Functional Literacy Programme in Ghana: With Reference to Its Capacity to Address Gender Inequality in Education, M.A. Dissertation, Institute of Education, University of London. |
ROBERTSON, Claire C. (1984) |
'Formal or Non- Formal Education? Entrepreneurial Women in Ghana' in Comparative Education Review, 28 (4), 639-58. |
Gender and Education | |
ANDERSON-LEVITT, K.(et al) (1994) |
Inside classrooms in Guinea: girls' experiences, World Bank, Washington, D.C. |
Gender | |
URDANGA, Stephanie (1979) |
Fighting Two Colonialisms, Women in Guinea-Bissau, Monthly Review Press, New York. |
Gender | |
GOTTLIEB, A. (1986) |
'Cousin Marriage, Birth Order and Gender- Alliance Models among the Being of Ivory Coast' in Man, 21 (4), 697-722. |
KOUADIO, Akissi (1983) |
Un Impossible Amour, Une Ivoirienne Raconte, INADES, Abidjan. |
Gender and Education | |
APPLETON, Simon (et al.) (1990) |
'Gender, Education and Employment in Cote d'Ivoire, Social Dimensions Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa', Working Paper 8, Policy Analysis, World Bank, Washington D.C. |
GRISAY, A. (1984) |
'Analysis of Unequal Gender Related Results in Students in Primary Schools in the Ivory Coast' in International Review of Education, 30 (1), 25-39. |
VIJVERBERG, Wim P.M. (1993) |
'Educational Investments and Returns for Women and Men in Cote d'Ivoire' in Journal of Human Resources, 28 (4), 933-74. |
Gender | |
AHLBERG, Beth Maina (1988) |
Women, Sexuality and the Changing Social Order, the Impact of Government Policies on Reproductive Behaviour in Kenya, Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia. |
BROWN, Katrina (1990) |
Women's Farming Groups in a Semi- Arid Region of Kenya: A Case Study of Tharaka Division, Meru, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. |
BÜLLOW, Dorthe Von & SØRENSEN, Anne (1988) |
Gender Dynamics in Contract Farming, Women's Role in Smallholder Tea Production in Kericho District, Kenya, Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen. |
CUBBINS, Lisa A.(1991) |
'Women, Men and the Division of Power: A Study of Gender Stratification in Kenya' in Social Forces, 69 (4), 1063-83. |
DAVISON, Jean (1989) |
Voices from Mutira, Lives of the Rural Gikuyu Women, Reinner, Boulder. |
DOW, Thomas E & WERNER, Linda H. (1981) |
A Note on Modern, Transitional and Traditional Demographic and Contraception Patterns among Kenyan Women 1977-1978, Population Studies and Research Institute, University of Nairobi. |
FATTON, Cynthia Hoehler (1996) |
Women of Fire and Spirit: Faith, History and Gender in Roho Religion in Western Kenya, Oxford University Press. |
FRANCIS, E. (1995) |
'Migration and Changing divisions of Labour - Gender Relations and Economic Change in Koguta, Western Kenya' in Africa, 65 (2), 197-216. |
FRIEDMAN, A. & TODD, J. (1994) |
'Kenyan Women Tell a Story- Interpersonal Power of Women in 3 subcultures in Kenya' in Sex Roles, 31 (9-10), 533-546. |
FUGLESANG, Minou (1994) |
Veils and Videos, Female Youth Culture on the Kenyan Coast, Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology, 32, Stockholm. |
GORDON, A. (1995) |
'Gender, Ethnicity and Class in Kenya- Burying Otieno Revisited' in Signs, 20 (2), 883-912. |
HAKANSSON, Thomas (1988) |
Bridewealth, Women and Land: Social Change among the Gusii of Kenya, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. |
HAKANSSON, N. T. (1994) |
'The Detachability of Women - Gender and Kinship in Processes of Socio-economic Change among the Gusii of Kenya' in American Ethnologist, 21 (3), 516-538. |
KARANI, F. A. (et al.) (1987) |
'The Situation and Roles of Women in Kenya- An Overview in Journal of Negro Education, 56 (3), 422-470. |
KITEME, K. (1992) |
The Socio-economic Impact of the African Market Women Trade in Rural Kenya' in Journal of Black Studies, 23 (1), 135-151. |
LEVINE, Sarah (1979) |
Mothers and Wives, Gusii Women of East Africa, University of Chicago, Chicago. |
LIKIMANI, Muthoni (1985) |
Passbook Number F47927, Women and Mau-Mau in Kenya, Macmillan Publishers, Basingstoke. |
MACKENZIE, F.(1990) |
'Gender and Land Rights in Murang'a District, Kenya' in Journal of Peasant Studies, 17 (4), 609-643. |
MACKENZIE, F.(1995) |
'A Farm is Like a Child Who Cannot be Left Unguarded -Gender, Land and Labour in Central Province, Kenya' in IDS Bulletin - Institute of Development Studies, 26 (1), 17-23. |
MICKELWAIT, Donald R. (et al.) (1976) |
Women in Rural Development: A Survey of the Roles of Women in Ghana, Lesotho, Kenya, Nigeria, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru, Westview Press, Boulder Colo. |
MIDAMBA, Bessie House (1990) |
Class Development and Gender Inequality in Kenya, 1963-90, E. Mellen, Lewiston, Canada. |
MIRZA, Sarah M. & STROBEL, Margaret (eds.) (1989) |
Three Swahili Women: Life Histories from Mombasa, Kenya, Indiana University Press. |
MOORE, Henrietta L. (1985) |
Space, Text and Gender: Anthropological Study of Marakwet of Kenya, Cambridge University Press. |
NJAU, Rebeka & MULAKI, Gideon (1992) |
Kenyan Women Heroes and the Mystical Power, Risk Publications, Nairobi. |
NZOMO, M. (1993) |
'The Gender Dimension in Democratization in Kenya- some International Linkages' in Alternatives- Social Transformation and Humane Governance, 18 (1), 61-73. |
OBOLER, Regina Smith (1985) |
Women, Power and Economic Change, the Nandi of Kenya, Stanford University Press, Stanford. |
PALA, Achola (et al.) (eds.) (1983) |
The Participation of Women in Kenyan Society, Kenya Literature Bureau, Nairobi. |
PRESLEY, Cora Ann (1992) |
Kikuyu Women, the 'Mau-Mau' Rebellion and Social Change in Kenya, Westview Press, Oxford. |
ROMERO, P.W. (1987) |
'Possible sources of the Origin of Gold as an Economic and Social Vehicle for Women in Lamu (Kenya)' in Africa, 57 (3), 364-376. |
SLAYTER, Barbara P. Thomas & ROCHELEAU, Dianne (1995) |
Gender, Environment and Development in Kenya: A Grassroots Perspective, Rienner. |
STAMP, P. (1991) |
'Burying Otieno - The Politics of Gender and Ethnicity in Kenya' in Signs, 16 (4), 808-845. |
STROBEL, Margaret (1979) |
Muslim Women in Mombasa, 1890-1975, Yale University Press, New Haven. |
'Politics, Class and Gender in African Resource Management- The Case of Rural Kenya' in Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40 (4), 809-828. |
WORLD BANK (1989) |
Kenya: The Role of Women in Economic Development, World Bank, Washington D.C. |
Gender and Education | |
CHEYO, Evelyn M. (1993) |
Girls' Access, Performance and Achievement in Secondary Education: A Comparative Study of Tanzania, Kenya and Botswana, M.A. Dissertation, Institute of Education, University of London. |
DAVISON, J. (1993) |
'School Attainment and Gender: Attitudes of Kenyan and Malawian Parents Towards Educating Girls' in International Journal of Educational Development, 13 (4), 331-338. |
ESHIWANI, G. S. (1985) |
The Education of Women in Kenya, 1975-1984, Bureau of Educational Research, Kenyatta University, Nairobi. |
HUGHES, Rees & MWIRIA, Kilemi (1989) |
'Kenyan Women, Higher Education and the Labour Market' in Comparative Education, 25 (2), 179-95. |
MWIRIA, Kilemi (1993) |
'Kenyan Women Adult Literacy Learners: Why their Motivation is Difficult to Sustain' in International Review of Education, 39 (3), 183-92. |
TSUMA, Orren G. K. (1989) |
'A Study of Career Preferences of Primary School Girls in Kenya' in Kenya Journal of Education, 4 (2), 126-52. |
Gender | |
BAYLIES, C. & WRIGHT, C. (1993) |
'Female Labour in the Clothing and Textile Industry of Lesotho' in African Affairs, 92 (369), 577-591. |
GORDON, E.(1981) |
'An Analysis of the Impact of Labour Migration on the Lives of Women in Lesotho' in Journal of Development Studies, 17 (3), 59-76. |
GORDON, E.B.(1994) |
'The Plight of Women in Lesotho - Reconsideration with the Decline of Apartheid, in Journal of Black Studies, 24 (4), 435-446. |
HARRIS, Betty J.(1990) |
'Ethnicity and Gender in the Global Periphery: A Comparison of Basotho and Navajo Women' in American -Indian Culture and Research Journal, 14 (4), 15-38. |
MALAHLEHA, Gwen (1984) |
Contradictions and Ironies, Women of Lesotho, Change International Reports, London. |
MICKELWAIT, Donald R. (et al.) (1976) |
Women in rural Development: A Survey of the roles of Women in Ghana, Lesotho, Kenya, Nigeria, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru, Westview Press, Boulder Colo. |
MOTEBANG, Maria Seithati (1992) |
Women and Development Planning in Lesotho, D. Phil. Thesis, University of York, United Kingdom. |
SEEISO, Seitebatso (1986) |
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WILKINSON, R, C.(1983) |
'Migration in Lesotho- Some Comparative Aspects with Particular Reference to the Role of Women' in Geography, 68 (300), 208-224. |
Gender and Education | |
ARDAKANI, F. (1991) |
Education, Women and Development with Special Reference to Lesotho and Zambia, University of Alberta, Canada. |
MAKARA, Matora T. M. (1982) |
Education, Women and Management Opportunities: A Lesotho Case Study, M. Ed. Thesis, University of Hull, United Kingdom. |
Gender | |
HENRIES, A. Doris Banks (1973) |
Women and Girls in Higher Education in Liberia, Bedford, New York. |
JACOBS, Sylvia M. (1986) |
'Say Africa When You Pray: The Activities of Early Black Baptist Women Missionaries Among Liberian Women and Children' in Sage, 3 (2), 16-21. |
LACEY, L. & SINAI, I. (1996) |
'Do Female Headed Households have Different Shelter Needs than Men- The Case of Monrovia, Liberia' in Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 27 (1), 89-108. |
MORAN, M. H. (1988) |
'Women and Civilisation - The Intersection of Gender and Prestige in Southeastern Liberia' in Canadian Journal of African Studies, 22 (3), 491-501. |
MORAN, Mary H. (1990) |
Civilised Women: Gender and Prestige in Southern Liberia, Cornell University Press. |
Gender | |
Femmes Malgaches et Développement: Pour une Société Plus Viable, Cabinet Ramaholimihaso, Antananarivo. |
HUNTINGTON, Richard (1987) |
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JAROSZ, L. (1991) |
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RAVOLOLOMANGA, Bodo (1992) |
Etre Femme et Mère à Madagascar (Tañata d'Infanadiana), L'Harmattan, Paris. |
Gender | |
DAVISON, J. (1993) |
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KALIPENI, E. & ZULU, E.M. (1993) |
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HIRSCHMANN, D (1995) |
'Managing Equity and Gender in an Agricultural Program in Malawi' in Public Administration and Development, 15 (1), 21-40. |
SPRING, Anita (1986) |
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SPRING, Anita (1995) |
Agricultural Development and Gender Issues in Malawi, University Press of America, London. |
VAUGHAN, Megan (1987) |
Story of African Famine: Gender and Famine in Twentieth Century Malawi, Cambridge University Press. |
WILSON, Monica (1977) |
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Gender and Education | |
DAVISON, Jean & KANYUKA, Martin (1992) |
'Girls' Participation in Basic Education in Southern Malawi' in Comparative Education Review, 36 (4), 446-466. |
DAVISON, J. (1993) |
'School Attainment and Gender: Attitudes of Kenyan and Malawian Parents Towards Educating Girls' in International Journal of Educational Development, 13 (4), 331-338. |
KAPASKA, A (1992) |
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LAMBA, Isaac C.(1982) |
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SWAINSON, Nicola (1995) |
Redressing Gender Inequalities in Education: A Review of Constraints and Priorities in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, (Commissioned by the British Development Division in Central Africa of the ODA). |
Gender | |
BRETT-SMITH, Sarah C. (1994) |
The Making of the Bamana Sculpture, Creativity and Gender, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
'Gender Differentiation among Market Traders in Mali' in Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 78 (3), 214-221. |
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RONDEAU, Chantal (1995) |
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TOULMIN, Camilla (1992) |
Cattle, Women and Wells, Managing Household Survival in the Sahel, Clarendon Press, Oxford. |
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Gender and Education | |
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Gender | |
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Gender | |
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Gender | |
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Gender | |
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Gender and Education | |
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Gender | |
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Gender and Education | |
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OKOYE, M. (1986) |
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Gender | |
JEFREMOVAS, V. (1991) |
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RANDOLPH, S. & SANDERS, R.(1988) |
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Gender | |
CREEVEY, L.E. (1991) |
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FASSIN, D. (1987) |
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Gender and Education | |
FOUGEYROLLAS, Pierre (1967) |
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Gender | |
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LEACH, Mellisa (1994) |
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Gender and Education | |
AMARA, J. M. (1987) |
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Gender | |
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Gender | |
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BERGER, Iris (1992) |
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MAGUBANE, Peter (1993) |
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Gender and Education | |
GREEN, Lena & FOSTER, Don (1986) |
'Classroom Intrinsic Motivation: Effects of Scholastic Level, Teacher Orientation, and Gender' in Journal of Educational Research, 80 (1), 34-39.-(This study was carried out in South Africa) |
MACKENZIE, Liz (1993) |
'On Our Feet, Taking Steps to Challenge Women's Oppression, A Handbook on Gender and Popular Education Workshops' in Adult Education and Development, 41 (Supplement). |
SEBAKWANE, Mahlase & SHIRLEY, M. (1994) |
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Gender | |
BERNAL, V. (1994) |
'Gender, Culture and Capitalism- Women and the Remaking of the Islamic Tradition in a Sudanese Village' in Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36 (1), 36-67. |
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CLOUDSLEY, Anne (1984) |
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Gender and Education | |
GRUENBAUM, E. (1991) |
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Gender | |
HARRIS, Betty (1993) |
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Gender | |
BULOW, Dorthe Von (et al.) (1995) |
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CHERIET, B. (1987) |
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MASCARENHAS, Ophelia & MBILINYI, Marjorie (1983) |
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Gender and Education | |
ASAYEHGN, Desta (1979) |
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Gender | |
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Gender and Education | |
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Gender | |
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Gender and Education | |
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Gender | |
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Gender and Education | |
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Gender | |
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GEISLER, G. (1992) |
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