|  | CARE Food Manual (CARE , 1998, 355 p.) |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | Acknowledgements |
 |  | Introduction |
 |  | Chapter 1 - Programming Food Resources |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Hunger, Poverty, and Food Security* |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Food Security |
 |  | B. Coping Strategies |
 |  | II. Interventions |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Livelihood Promotion, Protection, and Provisioning |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Livelihood Promotion |
 |  | 2. Livelihood Protection |
 |  | 3. Livelihood Provisioning |
 |  | B. Policies and Procedures |
 |  | 1. When to Use Food Resources |
 |  | 2. CARE's Food Programming Principles |
 |  | 3. Objectives for the Use of Food Resources |
 |  | 4. Constraints on Using Food Resources |
 |  | C. Project Design |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Targeting Beneficiaries |
 |  | 2. Ration Size and Composition |
 |  | 3. Distribution Site |
 |  | 4. Distribution Plan |
 |  | a. Direct vs. Indirect Distributions |
 |  | b. Wet and Dry Feeding |
 |  | Chapter 2 - Assessments Cost and Logistics |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Logistics Assessment |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Port Capacities and Services |
 |  | B. In-Country Transport |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Roads |
 |  | 2. Trucks |
 |  | 3. Fuel |
 |  | 4. Other Modes of Road Transport |
 |  | 5. Rail Capacities and Services |
 |  | 6. River and Coastal Transport |
 |  | 7. Air Transport |
 |  | C. Landlocked Countries |
 |  | D. Locating Storage Facilities |
 |  | II. Assessing Costs |
 |  | Chapter 3 - Internal Control |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Internal Control |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Accounting Control |
 |  | B. Administrative Control |
 |  | II. Organization and Staffing |
 |  | A. Structure and Roles |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. The Organizational Chart |
 |  | 2. Delegation of Responsibility |
 |  | 3. Collaboration with Other Organizations |
 |  | B. Job Descriptions |
 |  | C. Emergency Project Considerations - Start Ups |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. First Month of Operations: |
 |  | 2. Second Month of Operations: |
 |  | 3. Third Month of Operations: |
 |  | III. Audits and Management Reviews |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. U.S. Government Audits |
 |  | B. Grant-Specific Audits |
 |  | C. Internal Audits and Management Reviews |
 |  | 1. CARE USA Internal Audit Department |
 |  | 2. Country Offices |
 |  | 3. Suggested Checklist for Management Reviews |
 |  | Chapter 4 - Agreements and Contracts |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Bi-Lateral and Multi-Lateral Donors |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Bi-lateral Donors |
 |  | 1. The United States |
 |  | 2. Canada |
 |  | 3. Australia |
 |  | 4. European Union |
 |  | B. World Food Program (WFP) |
 |  | C. Donor Agreements |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. CARE USA Lead Member |
 |  | 2. Other CARE International Lead Member |
 |  | D. Donor Agreements During Emergencies |
 |  | E. U. S. Government Agreements |
 |  | 1. PL 480 Title II |
 |  | 2. Section 416 and Food for Progress |
 |  | F. Agreements with Other Donors |
 |  | II. Counterpart Agreements |
 |  | A. General |
 |  | B. National Governments |
 |  | C. Regional or Local Governments, Local NGOs and Community- Based Organizations |
 |  | III. Contracts |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Shipment Contracts |
 |  | B. Independent Surveyors |
 |  | C. Clearing and Forwarding Contracts |
 |  | D. Warehouse Service |
 |  | E. Leasing a Warehouse |
 |  | F. Security Service Contracts |
 |  | G. Transportation Contracts |
 |  | Chapter 5 - Call Forward and Procurement |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Obtaining the Food |
 |  | A. Sources |
 |  | B. Estimating Food Requirements and Time For Arrivals |
 |  | 1. Amount of Food Required |
 |  | 2. Procurement Timetable |
 |  | C. Call Forward |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Commodity Pipeline Analysis |
 |  | 2. Submission of Call Forward |
 |  | 3. Content of the Call Forward |
 |  | 4. Unavailability of Requested Food |
 |  | D. Purchase of Food by Donors |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Specifications |
 |  | 2. Packaging |
 |  | 3. Expedited Procurement Options |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | a. Transfers and Loans |
 |  | b. Food Diversion |
 |  | c. Prepositioned Stocks |
 |  | d. Local Purchase |
 |  | II. Shipping Food |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Booking |
 |  | B. Shipping Documents |
 |  | C. Transshipment |
 |  | Chapter 6 - Port |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Arrival and Discharge |
 |  | A. Prior to Arrival |
 |  | B. Arrival at Port |
 |  | C. Cargo Discharge |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Lighterage |
 |  | 2. Types of Cargo Packaging |
 |  | a. Bulk Cargo |
 |  | b. Breakbulk |
 |  | c. Containerized Cargo |
 |  | II. Inspection and Evaluation |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Damages |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Inadequate Packaging |
 |  | 2. Marine Damage |
 |  | 3. Damages During Discharge at the Port |
 |  | 4. Sweepings |
 |  | 5. Infestation |
 |  | B. Inspection for Weight |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Port Weighing |
 |  | 2. Sample Weights |
 |  | a. Breakbulk Shipments |
 |  | b. Bulk Cargo |
 |  | c. Sampling Guidance |
 |  | C. Excess Landings |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Acceptance of Food |
 |  | 2. Notice to CARE International and Donors |
 |  | III. Independent Discharge Surveys |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Time and Place of the Discharge Survey |
 |  | B. Format and Content of Discharge Survey Reports |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Data Regarding the Shipment |
 |  | 2. Dates and Times |
 |  | 3. Amount and Condition of Food |
 |  | 4. Narrative Analysis |
 |  | 5. Physical Counts/Stroke Tallies |
 |  | 6. Daily Discharge Reports |
 |  | 7. List of Persons |
 |  | 8. Translations |
 |  | IV. Other Documents |
 |  | A. Host Country Health Certification |
 |  | B. Ship's Out-Turn Report |
 |  | C. Port Tallies and Port Out-Turn Report |
 |  | D. Other Official Port Records |
 |  | V. Port Fees |
 |  | VI. Port Storage |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Problems of Port Storage |
 |  | B. General Guidance for Port Storage |
 |  | VII. Forwarding Food From Port Warehouse |
 |  | A. Dispatch Reports from the Port to the Country Office |
 |  | 1. Daily Dispatch Reports |
 |  | 2. Through Bill of Lading |
 |  | 3. Weekly Inventory and Dispatch Status Reports |
 |  | B. Delivery Survey |
 |  | VIII. Recordkeeping for Port Activities |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Shipment Ledgers |
 |  | B. Shipment File |
 |  | C. Warehouse Inventory Accounting at the Port |
 |  | Chapter 7 - Storage and Handling |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Introduction |
 |  | II. Selecting Food Storage Facilities |
 |  | A. Criteria |
 |  | B. Types of Warehouse Space Available |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Commercial |
 |  | 2. Government and Counterpart Storage Facilities |
 |  | 3. Transit Warehouses and Sheds |
 |  | 4. Open Storage |
 |  | 5. CARE Owned and Managed Warehouses |
 |  | a. Construction of Storage Space |
 |  | b. Prefabricated Warehouses |
 |  | C. Determining Warehouse Capacities/Storage Plan |
 |  | III. Preparing for Receipt or Dispatch of Food |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Arrival and Departure of Trucks |
 |  | B. Direct Dispatches to Beneficiaries |
 |  | C. Permanent and Temporary Warehouse Labor |
 |  | D. Equipment, Material and Pre-Printed Forms |
 |  | E. Warehouse Security |
 |  | 1. Theft |
 |  | 2. Fire Prevention |
 |  | IV. Food Storage |
 |  | A. Open Storage |
 |  | B. Height of Stacks |
 |  | C. Stacking Food |
 |  | D. Stack Cards |
 |  | E. Physical Counts |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Physical Inventory is the True Balance |
 |  | 2. Physical Inventory Schedules |
 |  | 3. Reconciling Physical Inventories, Stack Cards, and Warehouse Inventory Ledgers |
 |  | 4. Filing Physical Inventory Reports |
 |  | V. Routine Procedures |
 |  | A. Maintenance and Cleaning |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Maintenance |
 |  | 2. Cleaning |
 |  | B. Warehouse Inspections |
 |  | C. Preventing Damage and Loss |
 |  | D. Disposal of Empty Bags or Containers |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Sale of Bags or Containers |
 |  | 2. Proceeds from Sales |
 |  | 3. Inventory Controls |
 |  | Chapter 8 - Food receipt and dispatch |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. The Waybill |
 |  | A. Purpose |
 |  | B. Information on the Waybill |
 |  | 1. General |
 |  | 2. Project Number |
 |  | C. Control of Pre-Printed Waybills |
 |  | D. Waybill Authorization |
 |  | II. Receipt of Food |
 |  | A. Ways that Food is Received |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Discharged at Port |
 |  | 2. Through Bill of Lading |
 |  | 3. Received as a Loan or Transfer |
 |  | 4. Received as a Repayment of a Loan |
 |  | 5. Transferred to Another Warehouse |
 |  | 6. Returned to the Warehouse |
 |  | B. Procedures for Receiving Food |
 |  | 1. Unloading |
 |  | 2. Counting |
 |  | 3. Damaged Packages |
 |  | C. Documenting the Receipt of Food |
 |  | 1. Complete the Receiving Waybill |
 |  | 2. Authorization of Receipts |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | a. Acknowledging Receipt |
 |  | b. Acknowledging Delivery |
 |  | 3. Documentation of Damages to Unfit Food |
 |  | 4. Excess Receipts |
 |  | 5. Documenting Receipt of Food Shipped on a Through Bill of Lading |
 |  | 6. Routing the Waybill |
 |  | III. Dispatch of Food |
 |  | A. Distribution Plans for Projects |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Pipeline Analysis |
 |  | 2. Distribution Plan |
 |  | a. For Projects |
 |  | b. For Loans or the Disposal of Unfit Food |
 |  | B. Types of Warehouse Dispatches |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. For Distribution to Program Participants |
 |  | 2. As a Loan or Transfer |
 |  | 3. For Repayment of a Loan |
 |  | 4. For Transfer to Another Warehouse |
 |  | 5. After Being Declared Unfit for Human Consumption |
 |  | C. Procedures for Dispatching Food |
 |  | 1. Dispatch of Food |
 |  | 2. Loading |
 |  | 3. Counting Food |
 |  | 4. Damaged Food |
 |  | D. Documenting the Dispatch of Food |
 |  | 1. Completing the Dispatch Waybill |
 |  | 2. Routing of Waybills |
 |  | 3. Documenting Distributions of Food Directly Out of Warehouses to Beneficiaries |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | a. Emergencies |
 |  | b. Distributions Other than Emergencies |
 |  | 4. Documenting Distributions by Airlifts |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | a. Donor Arranges Airlift |
 |  | b. CARE Arranges Airlift |
 |  | Chapter 9 - Loses and Claims |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Care's Loss Policy |
 |  | II. Liability of Care for Losses |
 |  | III. Categories of Losses |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Marine Losses |
 |  | B. Internal Losses |
 |  | IV. Minimizing Losses |
 |  | A. Marine Losses |
 |  | B. Internal Losses |
 |  | V. Types of Losses |
 |  | VI. Documenting Losses |
 |  | A. Marine Losses - Discharge (Ex-tackle) Survey |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Costs of Surveys |
 |  | 2. Reimbursement of Fees |
 |  | 3. Other Documentation |
 |  | B. Internal Losses - Delivery Surveys |
 |  | C. Loss and Adjustment Reports |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Guidelines for Preparing Reports |
 |  | 2. Printing and Distribution |
 |  | 3. Preparation |
 |  | 4. Authorization |
 |  | 5. Routing |
 |  | D. Monthly Loss Reports |
 |  | E. Quarterly Loss Reports - Dates for Preparation and Submission |
 |  | F. Reporting Criminal Activity |
 |  | VII. Repackaging |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Definition |
 |  | B. Procedures |
 |  | C. Minimizing the Need to Repackage |
 |  | D. Repackaging Costs |
 |  | E. Approval for Repackaging |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Packages Damaged in Transit |
 |  | 2. Packages Damaged in Warehouses |
 |  | 3. Submission to CARE USA Headquarters |
 |  | VIII. Food Unfit for Human Consumption |
 |  | A. Documenting Unfit Food |
 |  | B. Lab or Other Analysis |
 |  | C. Timeliness of Documentation Regarding Fitness |
 |  | D. Certification of Commodities Unfit for Human Consumption |
 |  | E. Donor Notification Requirements |
 |  | 1. Marine Losses |
 |  | 2. Internal Losses |
 |  | 3. Delays in Notification |
 |  | F. Disposition of Food Unfit for Human Consumption |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Sale of Unfit Food |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | a. Solicitation and Receipt of Bids |
 |  | b. Precautions |
 |  | c. Proceeds from Sale of Unfit Food |
 |  | 2. Donation of Unfit Food |
 |  | 3. Destruction of Food Unfit for Human or Animal Consumption |
 |  | 4. Use of Waybills to Remove Food from CARE Inventories |
 |  | IX. Filing Claims for Marine Losses |
 |  | A. Australia, Canada and Great Britain |
 |  | B. European Union through Euronaid |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Uses of Claims Settlements |
 |  | 2. Reporting on Insurance Claims |
 |  | C. United States |
 |  | 1. Transfer of Title to CARE |
 |  | 2. Exceptions to Filing Claims for Marine Losses |
 |  | 3. Marine Losses Valued at less than US$300 |
 |  | 4. Filing Claims for Marine Losses in Excess of $300 |
 |  | 5. Computation of Ocean Carrier Claims |
 |  | 6. Assignment of Claim Numbers |
 |  | 7. Notice of Protest |
 |  | 8. Submission of Discharge Survery Reports |
 |  | 9. Loss Advice |
 |  | 10. Claims Progress Memo |
 |  | 11. Summary of Required Claims Documentation |
 |  | X. Pursuing Claims for Internal Losses |
 |  | A. General |
 |  | B. Coordination between CARE Finance and Logistics Staff |
 |  | C. Valuing Claims |
 |  | D. Pursuing Claims |
 |  | E. Monitoring the Status of Claims |
 |  | F. Reporting Claims Information to the Donor |
 |  | G. Claims Proceeds |
 |  | Chapter 10 - Inventory Accounting and Reporting |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Recording Measures - Units and Weights |
 |  | II. Warehouse Inventory Accounting Vs. Commodity Financial Accounting |
 |  | III. Personnel |
 |  | A. Ports |
 |  | B. In-Country Warehouses |
 |  | IV. Maintaining Warehouse Inventory Ledgers |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Source Documents for Ledgers |
 |  | B. Warehouse Inventory Ledger |
 |  | C. Guidelines for Preparing Warehouse Inventory Ledgers |
 |  | D. Warehouse Inventory Reporting Period |
 |  | E. Recording Transactions - Ledger Format And Examples |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Transactions at the Port |
 |  | 2. Transactions at an In-Country Warehouse |
 |  | V. Preparing Stack Cards |
 |  | VI. Filing Documents |
 |  | VII. Physical Inventories |
 |  | VIII. Reporting |
 |  | A. Commodity Status Report (CSR) |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Monetization |
 |  | 2. Guidelines for Preparation |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | a. Consolidation of CSRs |
 |  | b. Sample CSRs |
 |  | B. Quarterly Consolidated Report on Food Resources |
 |  | C. Reporting Periods |
 |  | D. Filing and Submission |
 |  | E. Other Reports |
 |  | Chapter 11 - Food Distribution To Sites |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Determining Food Requirements |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Number of Regions, Sites and Project Beneficiaries |
 |  | B. Biweekly Requirements for Beneficiaries |
 |  | C. Total Requirements for Beneficiaries in the Regions |
 |  | II. Designing a Transportation Plan |
 |  | A. Program Requirements Based on Ration Size |
 |  | B. Program Requirements Based on Pipeline Analyses |
 |  | C. Turn-Around Time (TAT) |
 |  | D. Number of Trips |
 |  | E. Transport Capacity Required |
 |  | F. Number of Sites and Amount of Food That Can be Delivered |
 |  | III. Distribution Site Accountability |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Receipt of Food |
 |  | B. Ledgers and Beneficiary Lists |
 |  | C. Monthly Distribution Site Reports |
 |  | 1. Preparation |
 |  | 2. Submission |
 |  | IV. Registering Beneficiaries |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Functions and Responsibilities |
 |  | B. Procedures |
 |  | 1. Training and Communication |
 |  | 2. Setting Up Operations |
 |  | 3. Determining Who is Eligible |
 |  | 4. Identification and Recordkeeping |
 |  | 5. Handling Re-registration |
 |  | C. Controlling Abuses of the Registration System |
 |  | 1. Types of Abuses |
 |  | 2. Detecting Abuses |
 |  | 3. Preventing Abuses |
 |  | D. Special Circumstances During Emergencies |
 |  | E. Recipient Status Reports - Monthly |
 |  | 1. Preparation |
 |  | 2. Example of RSR |
 |  | F. Recipient Status Reports - Quarterly |
 |  | V. Preventing Misappropriation and Diversion |
 |  | A. Main Risks of Diversion |
 |  | B. Transport and Delivery |
 |  | C. Agreements/Sanctions |
 |  | D. Ration Size and Quality |
 |  | E. Communication |
 |  | Chapter 12 - Monitoring Project Sites |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | I. Site Monitoring |
 |  | A. Reasons for Distribution Site Monitoring |
 |  | B. Ways of Collecting Information |
 |  | C. Use of Information |
 |  | II. Sampling |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Types of Statistical Sampling |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Unrestricted Random Sampling |
 |  | 2. Stratified Random Sampling |
 |  | 3. Systematic Sampling |
 |  | B. Interpreting Statistical Data |
 |  | 1. Precision |
 |  | 2. Margin of Error |
 |  | 3. Confidence Level |
 |  | C. Selecting the Sample Size |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Estimating Values |
 |  | 2. Attributes Sampling |
 |  | D. Cost Effectiveness |
 |  | III. Using Field Monitors |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Role of Field Monitors |
 |  | B. Monitoring the Monitors |
 |  | IV. Information To Be Collected |
 |  | A. Developing a Data Collection Plan |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | 1. Determine Objectives |
 |  | 2. Determine the Data to be Collected and the Format |
 |  | 3. Select the Sample Sites |
 |  | 4. Collect the Data |
 |  | 5. Summarize the Data |
 |  | 6. Look for Relationships and Differences |
 |  | B. Suggested Information to Collect |
 |  | 1. General Information |
 |  | 2. Project Participants |
 |  | a. Beneficiary Records |
 |  | b. Beneficiary Interviews |
 |  | c. Interviews with Distribution Staff |
 |  | d. Ration Sizes |
 |  | 3. Center Management |
 |  | a. Ledger Review |
 |  | b. Inventory Records |
 |  | c. Center Documentation |
 |  | d. Storage Site |
 |  | e. Sale/Disposition of Containers |
 |  | V. Monitoring Reports |
 |  | (introduction...) |
 |  | A. Information in Reports |
 |  | 1. General Site Information |
 |  | 2. Project Participants |
 |  | 3. Distribution Site Management |
 |  | 4. Recommendations |
 |  | B. Scoring and Follow-up |
 |  | Acronyms |
 |  | Bibliography |
 |  | Attachments |