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CLOSE THIS BOOKFact sheet No 114: Poliomyelitis - Revised April 2001 (WHO, 2001, 4 p.)
VIEW THE DOCUMENT(introduction...)
VIEW THE DOCUMENTThe Global Polio Eradication Initiative
VIEW THE DOCUMENTCountries at Risk of Polio
VIEW THE DOCUMENTChallenges Faced in Polio Eradication
VIEW THE DOCUMENTImpact of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
VIEW THE DOCUMENTFuture Benefits of Polio Eradication

Impact of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

Since the global initiative began in 1988, Rotary International estimates that three million people in the developing world, who would have been paralysed, are walking because they have been immunized against polio. Nearly two billion children worldwide have been immunized during national immunization days in the last five years. In 2000, 550 million children were reached as part of these efforts.

Tens of thousands of public health workers have been trained to investigate cases of paralysis and manage immunization programmes.

On average, one out of 250 people in a country are involved in polio immunization campaigns. Tens of millions of volunteers have been trained to deliver OPV and vitamin A.

In 2000, over 50 countries gave vitamin A during polio national immunization days, preventing over 240 000 childhood deaths.

Cold chain, transport and communications systems for immunization have been strengthened.

A polio laboratory network of 148 polio laboratories has been established.


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