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SI units

Appendix 1: 1 The seven base units in the International System of Units (Sl)
Quantity Name of base Sl Unit Symbol
Length metre m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Electric current ampere A
Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
Amount of substance mole mol
Luminous intensity candela cd

Appendix 1: 2 Some derived Sl-units with their symbol/derivation
Quantity common


Unit Symbol Derivation
Term Term
Length a, b, c metre m Sl-base unit
Area A square metre  
Volume V cubic metre  
Mass m kilogramme kg Sl-base unit
Density r (rho) kilogramme per cubic metre kg/m³  
Force F Newton N IN = 1 kgm/s2
Weight force W Newton N 9.80665N = 1 kgf
Time t second s Sl-base unit
Velocity v metre per second m/s  
Acceleration a meter per second per second m/ s2  
Frequency (cycles per second) f Hertz Hz IHz = Ic/s
Bending moment M Newton metre Nm  
Pressure P. F Newton per square metre N/m² IMN/m² = IN/mm²
Stress s (sigma) Newton per square metre N/ m²  
Work, energy W Joule J IJ = INm
Power P Watt W IW = IJ/s
Quantity of heat Q Joule J  
Thermodynamic temperature T Kelvin K Sl-base unit
Specific heat capacity c Joule per kilogram degree Kelvin J/ kg x o K  
Thermal conductivity k Watt per metre degree Kelvin W/m x o K  
Coefficient of heat U Watt per square metre Kelvin w/ m² x o K  

Appendix 1: 3 Multiples and sub multiples of Sl-Units commonly used in construction theory
Factor Prefix Symbol
106 mega M
103 kilo k
(102 hecto h )
(10 deka da)
(10 1 deci d)
(l0 2 centi c )
10 3 milk m
10 6 micro u

Prefix in brackets should be avoided.

Conversion tables

Practical values for use in everyday calculations

Note, the conversion factors marked * are exact

Appendix II.I Length
m inch foot yard
1 * 39.3701 3.2808 1.0936
0.0254$ 1 * 0.0833 0.0278
0.3048* 12 1* 0.3333
0.9144* 36 3 1*

1km = 0.6214 miles

Appendix II:2 Area
cm² mm² in2 ft2 yd2 acre ha
1* 10.000 106* 1550.0031 10.7639 1.196 0.2471 x 10-3 0,1 x 10-3
0.1 x 10-3 1* 100* 0155 1.0764 x 10-3 1 1 96 x 103 24 71 x 10-9 0.1 X 10-6*
10-6* 0.01* 1* 1.55 x 10-3 10.7639 x 10-6 1.196 x 106 0.2471 x 10-9 0,1 X 10-9*
0.64516 x 10-3 6.4516* 645.16* 1* 6.9444 x 10-3 0.7716 X 10-3 0.1594 x 10-6 64.516 x 10-9
0.09290304* 929.0304 92903.044 144* 1* 0.1111 22.9568 x 10-6 9.2903 x 10-6
0.83612736* 8361.2736 0.8361 x 106 1296* 9* 1* 0.2066 x 10-3 83.6136 x 10-6
4046.8561 40.4685 x io6 4.0469 x 109 6272640* 43560* 4840* 1* 0.4047
100000* 100 x 106 109 15.5 x 106 107639.1 11959.9 2.4711 1*

Appendix II: 3 Volume
cm³ in3 ft3 yd3
* 106 61023.744 35.3147 1.3080 -
10-6 1* 0.0610 35.3146 x 10-5 1.3080x 10-6
16.387 x 10-6 16.387064* 1* 0.5787 x 10-3 21.4334 x 10-6
0.0283 28316.847 1728* 1* 0.0320
0.7646 764554.86 46656* 27* 1*

Appendix II:4 Mass
kg g pound oz
1* 1000* 2.2046 35.274
0.001* 1* 2.205 x 10-3 0.0353
0.45359237* 453.5924 1* 16*
0.0283 28.3495 0.0625* 1*

Appendix II: 5 Density
kg/m³ lb/ ft3 lb/ in3
1* 0.0624 3.6106 x 10-5
16.0185 1* 5.787 x 10-4
27679.906 1728* 1*

Appendix II:6 Force
N kgf (=kp) Lbf
1* 0.102 0.2248
9.80665* 1 * 0.2246
4.4482 0.4536 1 *

Appendix II: 7 Pressure and Stress
Pa = N/m² mm Hg UK ton-force/in2 Pound force/in2
  (0°C) (tonf/in2) (LBF/in2 (= psi))
1* 7.5006 x 10-3 64.7488 x 10-9 0.145 x 10-3
133.322 1* 115841.53 0.0193
06 8.6325 x l0-6 1* 2239.4237
6894.76 51.7283 446.543 K 10 6 1*

Appendix II: 8 Velocity
m/s km/in ft/s mile/hr
1 * 3.6* 3.2808 2.2369
0.2778 1* 0.9113 0.6214
0.3048* 1.0973 1* 0.6818
0.447 1.609344* 1.4667 1 *

Appendix II: 9 Temperature
°C °F °K
°C (1.8 x °C) + 32* °C + 273-15*
( F - 32)1.8* °F* (° F - 32)/ 1.8 + 273.15*
°K - 273.15* (1.8(0K - 273.15)) + 32' °K*

Appendix II: 10 Energv
J. Nm, Ws kWh kcal ft Ibf therm
1* 0-2778 x 106 0.2388 x 10-3 0.7376 9.4781 x 10-9
3.6 x 106* 1* 859.845 2.6552 x 106 0.341
4.1868 x 103 1.163 x 10-3 1* 3.088 x 103 39.6832 x 10-6
1.3558 0.3766 x 10-6 0.3238 x 10-3 1* 12.8506 x 10-9  
05,505 x 106 29.3071 25199.56 77.8168 x 106 1*

Greek alphabet

Capital Lower-case Name Capital LowerCase Name
A a alpha N n nu
B b beta X e xi
G g gamma O o omicron
D d delta P p pi
E e epsilon P r rho
Z z zeta S s (at end of word) c sigma
H h eta T i tau
Q q theta Y t upsilon
I i iota F f phi
K k kappa X x chi
L l lambda Y y psi
M m mu W w omega

Requirements for batching ordinary concrete mixes of various grades and of medium workability

Appendix V: 1 Requirements for Batching Ordinary Concrete Mixes of Various Grades and of Medium Workability

Requirements for batching ordinary concrete mixes of various grades and of high workability

Appendix V:2 Requirements for Batching Ordinary Concrete Mixes of Various Grades and of High Workability

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