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4 Bibliography

Alumira, J.D. & C.M. Obara (undated): Post-harvest Consumption Analysis of Sweet Potato in Kenya - Survey. 22 pp. (annex 4 in: MoA-GTZ (1998): Post-harvest Systems of Potato and Sweet Potato in Kenya. Final Report. Nairobi, Kenya)

Boxall, R.A., Edit. (1997): Constraints Analysis of the Post-production Sector in Zambia. Project: PFL/ZAM/003/PFL. Final Report. FAO, Rome, Italy, 43 pp.

Calverley, D.J.B. (1995): Improving the Domestic Availability of Food on the Way to the Consumer. FAO, Rome, Italy, unpublished manuscript

Flach, M. (1995): A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Post-Production Systems. A revision of the document Improving the Food on the Way to the Consumer. FAO, Rome, Italy, unpublished manuscript

Fleischer, G.; H. Waibel & W. Dirksmeyer (1995): Future Priorities in Post-harvest Systems Development - The Role of Donor and Development Agency Support. Summary version of a paper commissioned by GTZ and presented at the 27th Annual GASGA-Meeting in Eschborn, Germany, 12-14 June 1995, 4 pp.

Grieshaber, C. (1994): Step by Step. Group Development, DSE-ZEL, Feldafing, Germany, 217 pp.

Günther, D. & E. Zimprich (undated): Gender-Orientation in the Post-Harvest Sector. Pointers for Identifying Gender-Specific Aspects in the Post-Harvest Sector. GTZ, Eschborn, Germany, 35 pp.

Henckes, C. & F. Afful (1998): Analysis of Post Harvest and Marketing Systems of Yams and Tomatoes in Ghana. Final Draft. GTZ, Sunyani, Ghana, 172 pp.

La Gra, J. (1990): A Commodity Systems Assessment Methodology for Problem and Project Identification. Post-harvest Institute for Perishables. University of Idaho, Moscow, USA, 114 pp. + annexes

Marchie du Sarvaas, C. (1995): Improving the Efficiency of Food Production Systems. FAO, Rome, Italy, unpublished manuscript

MoA-GTZ (1998): Post-harvest Systems of Potato and Sweet Potato in Kenya. Final Report. Nairobi, Kenya, 63 pp.

Schönhuth, M. & U. Kievelitz (1994): Participatory Learning Approaches. Rapid Rural Appraisal. Participatory Rural Appraisal. An introductory guide. GTZ, Eschborn, Germany, 183 pp.

Siebenhühner, P. (1993): Workshops. A Manual for Planning and Organizing Seminars and Project Workshops. GTZ, Eschborn, Germany, 56 pp.

UNCED (1992): Agenda 21. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

von der Ohe, E & W. von der Ohe (undated): The Linkage of Technical Co-operation and Financial Co-operation within the Framework of the Post-harvest System. 15 pp. (annex 10 in: MoA-GTZ (1998): Post-harvest Systems of Potato and Sweet Potato in Kenya. Final Report. Nairobi, Kenya)

Werner, J. (1993): Participatory Development of Agricultural Innovations. Procedures and Methods of On-farm Research. GTZ-SDC, Eschborn, Germany, 251 pp.