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Action Aid (1995) listening to Street Children in Tamale: A Survey Report, produced by Cecile Kusters for Action Aid, Ghana

African Development Bank (1995) ADB Report, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Ardayfio-Schandorf (ed) (1994) Family and Development in Ghana, Ghana Universities Press, Accra

Ardayfio-Schandorf, E. (1993) "Household Energy Supply and Rural Women's Work in Ghana" in J.H. Mamsen et al (eds) Different Places, Different Voices, Routledge, London

Asare-Bediako, N. et al (1995) Quality Assurance and School Level Management: A Review of the Management System for Basic Education in Ghana, US AID, Ghana

Asomaning, V. et al (1994) The Missing Gender: An Explanation of the Low Enrolment Rates of Girls in Ghanaian Primary, Mimeo

Ball, S. and Goodson, I. F. (eds) (1985) Teachers' Lives and Careers, London, Falmer Press

Behrman, J. R. (1991) Investing in Female Education for Development: Women in Development - Strategy for the 1990's in Asia and the Near East, Paper produced for USAID Project, GNESYS

Bertaux, D. (ed) (1981) Biography and Society, Sage, London

Boyden, J. (1996) "Social and Cultural Meanings of Childhood" in Development 1996: 1 Journal of SID, Blackwells, Oxford

Bridge, (1994) Background paper on Gender issues in Ghana, Report prepared for the West and North African Department of Overseas Development Administration (ODA) UK by BRIDGE - Briefings on Development and Gender, IDS, University of Sussex

Brock, C. and Cammish, N. K. (1991) Factors Affecting Female Participation in Education in Six Developing Countries, ODA, London

Brokensha, D. (1966) Social Change in Larteh, Clarendon Press, Oxford

Bullivant, B. (1981) The Pluralist Dilemma in Education, London: Alien and Unwin

Business in Ghana (1995) The World Bank on Ghana, July/August 1995

CESO, (1990) Education, Culture and Productive Life, edited by Boeren, A. and Epskamp, K., CESO, Netherlands

Charlton, S. (1984) Women in Third World Development, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado

Colclough, C. (1994) Under-enrolment and Low Quality in African Primary Schooling:

Towards a Gender-sensitive Solution, IDS Working Paper 7, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex

Colclough, C. with Lewin, K. (1993) Educating all the Children: Strategies for Primary Schooling in the South, Clarendon Press, Oxford

Cortazzi, M. (1993) Narrative Analysis, Palmer Press, London Denzin, N. (1971) The Logic of Naturalistic Inquiry, Social Forces, No. 50

Dorvlo, L. K. T. (1993) Adult Literacy Teaching in Ghana: Adopting the Freirean Approach and Technique, Ghana Universities Press, Accra

Edwards, M. (1989) The irrelevance of development studies. Third World Quarterly

Ennew, J. (1993) Homeless and Working Children, A Survey of Surveys, Oxford, unpublished report for Radda Bamen 1993, quoted in Boyden, J. 1996

Eshiwani, G. S. (1985) "Women's Access to Higher Education in Kenya: A Study of Opportunities and Attainment in Science and Mathematics Education" in Journal of Eastern African Research and Development No 15

Fentiman, A. (1996) Factors Influencing School Enrolment and the Health of School-age children, UNICEF, Ghana

Fobih, D et al (1995) The Process of Education Policy Formation in Africa: The Case of Ghana, DAE, Paris

Geertz, C. (1973) The Interpretation of Cultures, Basic Books, New York

GES/UNICEF (1993) Action Research for Equity Improvement in Primary Schooling, Unpublished report, Accra

GES/UNICEF (1995) A study of Teacher Motivation and Conditions of Service for Teachers in Ghana, Ghana Education Service/UNICEF, Accra

Ghana - Ministry of Education (1975) National Plan of Action on Girls' Education, Accra

Ghana Statistical Service (1993) Rural Communities in Ghana: report of a national rural community survey carried out as part of the third round of the Ghana Living Standards Survey 1991/92, Accra

Ghana Statistical Service (1995) Ghana Living Standards Survey Report on the Third Round (GLSS 3) Sept 1991 - Sept 1992, Accra

Glaser, B and Strauss, A. L. (1967) The discovery of Grounded Theory, Aldine, Chicago

Goertz, J. P. and Le Compte, M. D. (1984) Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research, Academic Press, New York

Goodson, I. F. (1980) "Life History and the Study of Schooling" in Interchange, Vol 11 No 4

Goodson, I. F. (1990) Biography, Identity and Schooling, Falmer Press, London Goodson, I. F. (eds) (1992) Studying Teachers' Lives, Routledge, London

Government of Ghana (1992) The Child cannot Wait: A National Programme of Action on the Follow-up to the World Summit for Children, Accra

Grieco, M. et al (1994) The Missing Gender: An explanation of the low enrolment of girls in Ghanaian primary schools, unpublished paper

Haddard, L. (1991) "Gender and Poverty in Ghana: A Descriptive Analysis of Selected Outcomes and Processes" in IDS Bulletin 1991 Vol. 22 No. 1, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex

Hatch, Amos J. and Wisniewski, R. (eds) (1995) Life History and Narrative, Falmer Press, London

Hawes, H. and Stephens, D. (1990) Questions of Quality: Primary Education and Development, Longman, Harlow

Heneveld, W. (1994) Planning and Monitoring the Quality of Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, AFTHR Technical Note No. 14, Washington World Bank

Hodgkinson, C. (1978) Towards a Philosophy of Administration, Oxford, Blackwell

Hutchful, E. (ed) (1987) The I.M.F. and Ghana: the Confidential Record, Zed Press, London

Jeong, Ho-Won (1995) "Liberal Economic Reform in Ghana: A Contested Political Agenda" in Africa Today Vol. 42 No. 4

Keesing, R. M. (1981) Cultural Anthropology: a contemporary perspective, New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston

King, E. & Hill, A. (eds) (1993) Women's Education in Developing Countries: Barriers, Benefits and Policies, John Hopkins University Press/World Bank, Baltimore

Klitgaard, R. (1994) "Taking Culture into Account from 'Let's' to 'How'" in Culture and Development in Africa edited by Serageldin, I. and Tabaroff, J., World Bank Washington

Kraft, R. (1995) A Tale of Two Ghanas: The View from the Classroom, US AID, Accra

Levin, H. and Lockheed, M. (eds) (1991) Effective Schools in Developing Countries, Education and Employment Division Background Paper, Series No. 3 91/38, World Bank, Washington

Levin, H. and Lockheed, M. (eds) (1993) Effective Schools in Developing Countries, Falmer, London.

Lloyd, C. B. and Gage-Brandon, A. J. (1992) Does Subsize Matter? The Implications of family size for childrens' education in Ghana, Working Paper No. 45, The Population Council, New York

Mead, M. (1977) Culture and Commitment: a study of the generation gap. Panther, St Albans

Norton, A. et al (1995) Poverty Assessment in Ghana Using Qualitative and Participatory Research Methods, PSP Discussion Paper Series, World Bank, Washington

Nukunya, G. K. (1992) Tradition and Change in Ghana: an Introduction to Sociology, Ghana Universities Press, Accra

Nukunya, G. K. (1992) Tradition and Change: the case of the family, Ghana Universities Press, Accra

Odaga, A. and Heneveld, W. (1995) Girls and Schools in Sub-Saharan African: from Analysis to Action, World Bank, Washington

Odamiten, S. K. (1995) Indigenous Educational Ideas in Ghana, GNAT, Accra

Odeke, E. A. C. (1989) Nigeria in International Handbook of Womens' Education, edited by G. P. Kelly, Greenwood Press, New York

Oppong, C. (1973) Growing up in Dagbon, Ghana Publishing Corporation, Accra

Oppong, C. and Abu, K. (1987) Seven Roles of Women: Impact of Education, Migration and Employment on Ghanaian mothers ILO, Geneva

Osier, A. (1997) "Teachers' biographies and educational development: a Kenyan case study", International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 17 No. 4 Oct 1997

Partnership for Child Development (1995) Social, Economic and Cultural Factors Influencing Enrolment in School by Females in Ghana and the Health of Children in and out of School, a report for the ODA by the Partnership for Child Development, Oxford University

Peil, M. (1995) "Ghanaian education as seen from an Accra suburb" in International Journal of Educational Development Vol. 15 No. 3

Rattray, R. S. (1923) Ashanti Proverbs, Clarendon Press, Oxford

Rimmer, D. (1992) Staying Poor: Ghana's Political Economy 1950-1990, Pergamon, Oxford

Rose, P. (1995) "Female Education and Adjustment Programs: A cross-country Statistical Analysis" in World Development Vol. 23 No. 11

Sarpong, P. (1974) Ghana in Retrospect: some aspects of Ghanaian Culture, Ghanaian Publishing Corporation, Accra

Smith, P and Bond, M. (1993) Social Psychology Across Cultures: Analysis and Perspectives, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Herts

Stenhouse, L. (1967) Culture and Education, Nelson, London

Stirrat, R. L. Economies and Culture: Notes towards an Anthropology of Economics, paper presented at ULIE Conference, "Partnerships in Education and Development: tensions between Economics and Culture", May 1995

Thomas, E. (ed) (1994) International Perspectives on Culture and Schooling: A Symposium Proceedings, DICE/IoE, London

Toye, J. (1991) "Ghana" in Adepoju A (ed) The Impact of Structural Adjustment on the Population of Africa, UNFPA/Hememann

Trueba, H. et al (1990) Cultural Conflict and Adaptation: The Case of the Hmong Children in American Society, Falmer Press, Basingstoke

ULIE (1995) "Partnerships in Education and Development: tensions between Economics and Culture" Conference, 24-26 May 1995, ULIE

UNESCO (1982) World Conference on Cultural Policies, Final Report, UNESCO, Paris

UNESCO (1985) The Cultural Dimension of Development, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the cultural dimension of Development, The Hague 16-20 Sept 1985, UNESCO, The Netherlands

UNESCO (1993) World Education Report, UNESCO, Paris

UNESCO, (1991) Education for all: Purpose and Context, Roundtable Themes I, World Conference on Education for All, Monograph I, UNESCO, Paris

Verhelst, T. (1987) No Life without Roots: Culture and Development, Zed Press, London

Vulliamy, G., Lewin, K. and Stephens, D. (1990) Doing Educational Research in Developing Countries: Qualitative Strategies, Falmer Press, London

Wilk, R. (1996) Economies and Cultures: Foundations of Economic Anthropology, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado

Woods, P. (1981) "Strategies, commitment and identity: Making and breaking the teacher" in Barton, L. and Walker, S. (eds) Schools, Teachers and Teaching, Falmer, Lewes

Woods, P. (1984) Teacher, self and curriculum in I. F. Goodson & S. J. Ball (eds) Defining the Curriculum: histories and ethnographies, Falmer, Lewes

Woods, P. (1987) "Life Histories and teacher Knowledge" in Smythe, J. (ed) (1987) Educating Teachers: Changing the Nature of Pedagogical Knowledge, Falmer Press, London

World Bank (1995) Ghana: Growth, Private Sector, and Poverty Reduction: A Country Economic Memorandum, May 1995, World Bank Washington

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