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2. Preface

This project would not have been possible without the assistance of a considerable number of individuals, agencies and institutions, and we would wish to acknowledge our debt to each of the groups mentioned below. It is not customary in a report such as this to name individuals, but any of those who have helped us and who read this document will know that we are most grateful for the part they played in enabling this project to be carried through.

First, we would wish to thank the education advisers of ODA (now DFID) for giving us their support and advice. The opportunity to carry out this work has been a privilege and we do of course take full responsibility for the outcome as described below. We would also wish to thank colleagues at the University of Hull for their help in various ways, not only in the School of Education, but also in the Department of Politics, Language Centre and Central Administration.

In all the locations involved government officials cooperated most constructively with our request for interviews, information and visits. The staff and students in all the primary schools and teachers' colleges were likewise tremendously helpful and hospitable. We are indeed most grateful to them all, as well as to the professionals and helpers in non-governmental agencies, universities and research institutes with whom we had contact. In most of the locations the staff of the British Council and/or British High Commission were approached for their advice and assistance which always proved a significant enabling factor, and we thank them too.

We owe a very special debt to those who acted as our local advisers in each of the locations involved. Without their untiring efforts on our behalf we could not have carried through the busy survey and interview schedules that provided the valuable and necessary local input to this project. We are deeply indebted to each and every one of them.

Finally, there are two individuals we must thank by name in view of their personal input to the project team. They are Dr. David Smawfield, who compiled the background bibliography and assisted with one of the field visits and, Mrs. Jenny Webster our project secretary throughout, and who also typed the final draft report.